Install Jupyter Notebook On Debian Based Linux System

Hasmukh Mer
2 min readDec 30, 2022


Jupyter is a web-based interactive development tool that helps create the environment to share live codes, virtualizations, and interactive data. As the name describes, it is a notebook that includes computer code and text.

First, we have to check jupyter notebook is installed on our system on not.

for this type below command on your Linux terminal:


Screenshot Taken By Author

If you get Command ‘ Jupiter-notebook’ not found then you have to install it.

For installation of jupyter notebook, you have to run the below command.

sudo apt install jupyter-notebook

Screenshot Taken By Author

You get a prompt for Y/N, type Y, and hit enter and the installation process is begin.

Screenshot Taken By Author

It takes some time based on your internet connection.

After the installation process is completed just type the below command.


Screenshot Taken By Author

When you hit the above command you redirect to your default web browser and you can see in your browser the below image.

If you can’t redirect to your browser, you can use any one of the two URLs which you can see on your terminal copy that URL, and paste it to your browser.

After that click on the new button and select python3.

Screenshot Taken By Author

You get the above web interface in this you can type your python code and run it very easily.

Screenshot Taken By Author

To run the code cell you can use the shortcut keys Shift+Enter Or Ctrl+Enter.

Happy Learning And Keep Learning.

Thank You.



Hasmukh Mer
Hasmukh Mer

Written by Hasmukh Mer

Machine Learning Engineer || Computer Enthusiastic || Learner || ||

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